Recipes & Stories from a Summer in Poland
Beata Zatorska’s best-selling memoir cookbook about her childhood in Poland, with a Polish summer tour photographed by Simon Target.
Recipes & Stories from a Winter in Poland
Beata Zatorska’s popular follow up book of winter travels, recipes and stories (reprinted three times).
Recipes & Stories from a Spring in Poland
Beata’s long awaited spring book, with 50 new recipes and Polish traditions for Lent and Easter, plus a photographic journey from the mountains to the Baltic Sea.
Ein Sommer in Polen - Rezepte & Geschichten.
Beata Zatorska’s best-selling memoir cookbook about her childhood in Poland, with a tour of Poland in summer photographed by Simon Target.
(German Language Edition)
Ein Kulinarische Reise Durch Polen.
Beata Zatorska’s best-selling winter sequel, with a tour of Poland in winter photographed by Simon Target. (German Language Edition)